Saturday, January 27, 2007

Australia Day Long Weekend Garden Additions

We have some new additions to the garden this weekend. The climbing frangapani that I thought was dead actually wasn't. The shock of being transplanted killed off all growth but has just started sprouting. This was of course after we had purchased a full on native frangipani called Hymenosporum Flavum or Native Frangipani. For those who know our garden I've placed it in the western corner.
This tree will grow to a height of about 10 metres however I'll definitely prune it. It flowers in spring with pale flowers and they change to a yellow with age. My plan for this tree is to fill the 3 to 8 metre gap in the garden and will eventually shield the deck. What was especially pleasing was the north west breeze this afternoon that will bring the scent from the Frangipani onto the deck.
Other additions include Xanthostemon Verticillatus or Little Penda. This is a rare native shrub from North Queensland. It flowers sporadically throught the year and creates large clusters of white/yellow blooms with long stamens. This again has been planted along the the western boundry fence where it gets full sun. Finally out last additions are a Peach Allamanda and a "Alice du Pont" Mandvilla. These flowers are to grow up the palms to create a column of colour.

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